DOB: 17th Jan 89
Number: 5
Position: Handler
Yrs with UFO: 2
Field of study: Commerce
Year: Sophomore
How did you get into ultimate? My brother introduced it to me in high school.
Where is the closest Frisbee to you right now? On my night table... Hmm...and on my wall behind me... and I think about a dozen under my bed; all touchable distance.
Favourite Food: Ribs!
Favourite TV Show: Private Practice
Favourite colour: Purple
How many hoodies do you own? 6 (not enough!)
What are you addicted to? Ice cream
What did you want to be when you were growing up? Biologist
Favourite superhero? Right now, none really. But growing up: Wolverine (X-men), Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and to a certain extent, Sailor Moon.
Do you have any crazy talents? Ha. Not really.
If you had a million dollars, you’d… Save half for personal/friends/family stuff and use the other half for ultimate. Sad, but true.
Do you have any piercings/tattoos? Ears pierced.
If you could have any superpower what would it be? Fly!!
If you could meet anyone who would it be? My grandmother.
One thing people don’t know about me is… I can do French rap pretty well… okay maybe not well… but wait… everyone knows that.
Favourite quotes:
“Impossible is nothing” – Adidas
Sleep in or get up early? Get up early.
Coke of Pepsi? Pepsi
Left or Right? Right
Sunny or rainy? Sunny
Pub or club? Pub
N’Sync or BSB? Uhm, Spice Girls?
Take the picture or be in the picture? Be in the picture
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
Vodka or Tequila? Tequila
Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
Cats or dogs? Dogs… but I really, really like cats too!
… been arrested? No
… been suspended from school? No
… been pushed into the pool w/ all your clothes on? Yes
… broken a bone? No
… shaven your head? No
… gone skinny dipping? Yes
I don’t understand… you.
I lost my… pet rabbit to my neighbour’s hungry grandparents :(
People would say that I… don’t know what other people would say about me.
I feel like… sleeping for the next three months.
I never want… to wrestle a shark. It would be cool if I won, but I don’t want to take that chance.
Life is full of… challenges; you just take em’ on one at a time.
I get annoyed when… I don’t know the answer.
I wish… I was a little bit taller; I wish was a baller; I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her; I wish I had a rabbit and a hat and a bat and a ’64 impala.
If I could be anywhere I’d be… in Australia with the ‘roos :)